
[스크랩] [피카소] Collection of『Pablo Picasso』Artworks / "Et Moi Dans Mon Coin"

tlsdkssk 2019. 2. 17. 17:12

 Collection of

Pablo Picasso Artworks

(Spainish, 1881~1973)

Piccasso / Self portrait (자화상)

Pablo Picasso himself said, "Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face or what's behind it?" His paintings redefined every face and finally contributed immensely to the face of the painting fraternity. Here's to all Picasso paintings that continue to enchant and fascinate us.

"Woman with a Fan"

Woman with Book



"Seated Woman" (Marie-Therese)

"Large Still Life with a Pedestal Table" , 1931

"Pipes of Pan", 1923

"Nude, Green Leaves and Bust "

"Blue Nude "

"Marie Therese Walter", 1937

"Marie Therese"

"Self-portrait in Straw Hat" (밀짚모자를 쓴 자화상), 1938

"Two Saltimbanques"

Jeune Fille Endormie by Pablo Picasso
"Jeune Fille Endormie "

"The Old Guitarist"

"Les Demoiselles d Avignon"

"Three Woman"


"Three Musicians"

"Homage To Pablo Picasso Painting by John Nolan"

"Dora Maar au Chat "

"Portrait of Fernande Olivier"

"Girl Before A Mirror "

"The Dream"

"The Kiss"


"Seated Woman"

This painting was sold at auction in London for $63.4 million.

(이 그림은 영국의 한 경매장에서 6,340만 달러(=한화: 약 700억원)에 팔렸다)

"The Blue Moom (The Tub)"

"Brick Factory at Tortosa"

[문 계]

"Et Moi Dans Mon Coin" 
(사랑의 모퉁이에서)
-Charles Aznavour-

출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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