
[스크랩] 포만감을 느끼게 하는 기막힌 5가지 방법

tlsdkssk 2014. 1. 22. 17:07





5 Weird Tricks To Feel Fuller

포만감을 느끼게 하는 기막힌 5가지 방법


1.식사전 풍선껌을  씹어라

A wad of bubble gum

네덜란드의 바게니겐 대학 연구진이 26명을 대상으로 음식을 삼키지 않고 씹도록 하는 실험을 했다. 한 팀에는 1분간, 다른 팀에는 8분간 씹기만 하고 삼키지는 말도록 했다. 30분 뒤 식사를 하게 했는데,

8분간 씹은 사람들이 음식을 19% 덜 먹었다.

음식이 입 속에 머무는 시간이 길수록 두뇌는 자신이 먹고 있다는 생각을 하게 되고 허기를 진정시켜주기 때문이라고 연구팀은 설명했다. 연구팀은 식사 전 껌을 30분 간 씹어도 비슷한 효과를 볼 수 있다고 밝혔다.

2.무거운 접시에 음식을 담아라

Heavier is better when it comes to dish

영국과 스페인 연구팀이 같은 양의 요구르트를 무게가 다른 30개의 접시에 각각 담아 식탁에 내놨다. 무거운 접시에 담긴 요구르트를 더 맛있고 농도가 짙은 것으로 생각했으며 덜 먹고도 포만감을 느꼈다.

3.작은 포크를 써라

Chose the right fork

작은 포크로 식사를 하면 큰 포크로 먹는 이들보다 음식을 21% 덜 먹게 된다는 연구결과가 있다.

미국 유타 대학이 실험한 결과로, 작은 포크로 음식을 집으면 그 만큼 자주 음식을 떠 넣어야 되고 음식을 먹는 속도도 느려진다는 것이다. 먹는 속도가 느려지면 포만감도 커졌다.

4.평소에 쓰지 않는 손으로 식사하라
Eat with your opposite hand.

수다를 떨거나 TV를 보면서 식사를 하면 과식하기 쉬운 것과 반대의 이치다. 평소에 쓰지 않는 손으로 음식을 먹게 되면 식사하는 데 더 집중하게 되고 그만큼 먹는 양도 줄어들게 된다는 게 미국 남가주 대학 연구팀의 실험 결과 입증됐다.

5.작은 접시를 써라
Stick to small plates.

미국 코넬대 연구팀은 큰 그릇에 담긴 아이스크림을 먹으면 작은 그릇으로 먹는 것보다 31% 더 먹게 된다는 것을 발견했다. 사람들은 그릇에 담긴 음식을 어찌됐든 다 비워야 한다는 생각을 하게 되기 때문에 큰 그릇은 과식을 부르기 쉽다는 것이다.


5 Weird Tricks To Feel Fuller

No water-chugging necessary

The latest weapon in your war against over-eating: A wad of bubble gum. Turns out the simple act of chewing may dramatically reduce the amount of food you have to eat in order to feel full, finds new research from the Netherlands.

A team from Wageningen University and Switzerland’s Nestle Research Center subjected 26 people to one of the strangest experiments we’ve ever heard about: Study participants were asked to chew—but not swallow—a piece of food for either one minute or eight minutes. While all this chewing was going on, the researchers were pumping different amounts of food directly into the participants’ stomachs via a tube snaked down the nose and throat. Thirty minutes later, each person received a meal, and the researchers recorded how much food was consumed. (And yes, remarkably, people were actually able to eat after this experience.)

More from Prevention: Easy Ways To Reign In Your Snacking Habit

The results: Those who chewed for eight minutes ate 19% less food than those who chewed for only one minute, regardless of how much food the person had received via nose-tube.

Here’s why: Giving your food more mouth time—or what the study authors call “oral-sensory stimulation”—tricks your brain into thinking you’re eating, and so helps quell hunger. “Before your body has absorbed even one macronutrient, chewing triggers physiological responses that tell it to feel full,” explains study co-author Alfrun Erkner, PhD.

Don’t feel like chewing your first bit of chicken cacciatore for eight minutes? Chomping on a piece of gum half-an-hour before dinner should offer the same hunger-quelling benefits, the study suggests.

Here are a few more science-backed ways to feel fuller without eating more:

Heavier is better when it comes to dishes. Researchers from Spain and the UK served people yogurt in one of three different bowls, ranging from light to heavy. Although the yogurt and portions were the same, the study participants rated the heavy bowl’s contents as more flavorful, delicious, and dense. They also felt more satisfied eating less of the yogurt, according to the study, which was published in Food Quality and Preference.

Chose the right fork. People who ate with a small fork consumed 21% less food than those who ate with a large fork when dining at home, found a University of Utah study. According to the study’s authors, the more bites you have to take, the more slowly you consume your food. Plus, other studies have shown that eating slowly increases feelings of fullness.

Eat with your opposite hand. It’s all too easy to overeat when you’re busy chatting or watching TV. But using your opposite hand is awkward and cumbersome, and so keeps your mind on your plate, finds a study from the University of Southern California. People who ate with their opposite hand consumed less than those who ate with their dominant hand.

Stick to small plates. A Cornell University team found that people ate 31% more ice cream when serving themselves in a large bowl versus a small bowl. Why? People tend to finish what’s before them whether they feel full or not. If you start out with a small plate and smaller portions, you’re unlikely to go back for more, even if you would have finished off a larger plate of food, says the study.


출처 : 한국食藥연구소
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