Gregory Colbert - Ashes and snow (2) -
다큐멘터리 영화 감독에서 시작해 사진 작가로 그 활동 범위를 넓힌 Gregory Colbert는 13년 동안 이집트, 인도, 버마, 스리랑카, 에티오피아, 나이비아, 탕가 등 31개국을 여행하면서 코끼리, 고래, 해우, 팔콘 등이 인간과 교류하고 교감하는 모습을 필름과 사진으로 담아 Ashes and snow라는 제목으로 2002년 이태리 베니스에서 가장 큰 개인전을 열면서 세계적으로 인정 받게 되었다.
동물들에게 해가 가지 않도록 산소 호흡기 조차 휴대 하지 않고 작업을 했던 그였기에 이렇게 놀라운 장면들을 담아 낼 수 있었던 것으로 보여진다.
"Ever since my
house burned down,
I see the moon
more clearly."

"I could all that was offered to me
that I
could not accept."

"They sing because they have
a sing."

"I saw the letter I wished for but never
I saw all that could have been but never will be."
Instead, be kind to each other,
Tenderhearted, forgiving one
Just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Canadian-born artist Gregory Colbert began his career in Paris making documentary films about social issues, which led to his work as a fine arts photographer of cinematic proportion. The first public exhibitions of his work were held in 1992 at the Musee de l'Elysee in Switzerland and the Parco Galleries in Japan. In 2002, he launched the Ashes and Snow exhibition in Italy at the Venice Arsenale, a 125,000-square-foot 15th-century shipyard owned by the Italian Navy. It was the largest solo exhibition ever mounted in Italy, drawing more than 100,000 visitors during its three-month run.
For the Venice exhibition he collaborated with Asian elephants, manatees, sperm and humpback whales, royal eagles, gyr falcons, antigone cranes, sacred ibis, harris hawks, and loggerhead tortoises. The New York exhibition includes works of his most recent collaborations with king penguins, elephant seals, cheetahs, leopards, zebras, elands, wild dogs, meerkats, and African elephants. Colbert continues his expeditions and the development of Ashes and Snow, recently returning from Antarctica, where he photographed emperor penguins. His work is held by private collectors throughout the world.